Coast To Coast "Healthy Living" Event Tour
Next Event Stop: Cincinnati, OH - Friday May 4 & Saturday May 5, 2012
Another Life-Changing event on our Weekly Fitness Challenge coast to coast healthy living event tour! We are implementing real healthcare reform one city at a time. "Bring health to life!" These events are designed to become annual in each city and through our unique mentoring program and our "FORMULA", tremendous community healthy living change will evolve.
The Weekly Fitness Challenge all volunteer team presents these dynamic healthy living two-day programs and creates a local team to continue to enhance the impact of the program even after our event. Then each subsequent year the event becomes larger and the impact into the entire community is more prolific. Our goal? "Change the shape of the world!" One city at a time! Join us!
The Cincinnati, OH Event:
Without a doubt our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event will be a powerful event. Our passionate all volunteer event team, consisting of PhD's, fitness professionals, nutritional experts, mentorship development and motivational speakers will literally change your life, your friends lives, your co-workers lives and all those you love who attend with you!
The Weekly Fitness Challenge all volunteer team presents these dynamic healthy living two-day programs and creates a local team to continue to enhance the impact of the program even after our event. Then each subsequent year the event becomes larger and the impact into the entire community is more prolific. Our goal? "Change the shape of the world!" One city at a time! Join us!
The Cincinnati, OH Event:
Without a doubt our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event will be a powerful event. Our passionate all volunteer event team, consisting of PhD's, fitness professionals, nutritional experts, mentorship development and motivational speakers will literally change your life, your friends lives, your co-workers lives and all those you love who attend with you!
1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Event - May 4 & 5, 2012
Cincinnati event to be held at the incredible Cincinnati Sports Club
Cincinnati event to be held at the incredible Cincinnati Sports Club
Some points of emphasis within our coast to coast healthy living event tour:
Group Exercise
Personal Training
Nutrition & More!
What are some important aspects that can create lasting lifestyle change for anybody and everybody? Watch this short video clip featuring campaign creator and Executive Director Geoff Hampton speaking at our 1st Annual San Diego Healthy Living event. He is speaking about the importance of personal training and group exercise (aerobics):
Incredible, inspiring, motivating & life-changing presenters for our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event! Event agenda and event brochure online soon!
Sponsor our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living Event to help offset materials preparation, travel, lodging and other costs for our dynamic all volunteer team! Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton at (865) 687-8554 or via email at
Cincinnati, OH Event Sponsorship Levels
(Special thanks to for serving as our event sponsorship registration site. A small fee is added on for their willingness to host our event registration - Special thanks to all event sponsors & contributors you all!):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,500 - 5 only):

Sponsor our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living Event to help offset materials preparation, travel, lodging and other costs for our dynamic all volunteer team! Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton at (865) 687-8554 or via email at
Cincinnati, OH Event Sponsorship Levels
(Special thanks to for serving as our event sponsorship registration site. A small fee is added on for their willingness to host our event registration - Special thanks to all event sponsors & contributors you all!):
Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,500 - 5 only):
Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event SILVER LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,000 - 5 only):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event BRONZE LEVEL SPONSOR ($500 - 10 only):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event PARTICIPATORY LEVEL SPONSOR ($250 - 15 only) event:
Become a FRIEND of our Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event by contributing whatever you wish from $25 - $200:
Advertise your business in the beautiful Cincinnati, OH "Health Living" attendee souvenir brochure! At the the same time you will be supporting the all volunteer Weekly Fitness Challenge team as they "Bring health to life!" in Cincinnati! Then? On to New Jersey, Knoxville, Chicago, Dallas & more! Support this all volunteer campaign!
AND MORE! Find out about how you can get involved with this life-changing event today! Contact Campaign Creator/Executive Director Geoff Hampton At
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