Thursday, October 13, 2016
The Weekly Fitness Challenge - Relaunching January 2017!
Featuring a broad spectrum of exercise, nutrition and other lifestyle modification options. New this time will be Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which changed program creator Geoff Hampton's life and got him rolling again!
The Weekly Fitness Challenge - Leading the "not yet fit" to success!
As we all surely know by now, there is a largely preventable international health crisis that can be directly linked to inactivity and poor eating habits. It includes many types of afflictions and resulting consequences that in most cases are preventable such as many forms of heart disease, stroke, many types of cancer, type II diabetes and others.
Where do we even begin to try to resolve this crisis? The Weekly Fitness Challenge is a very powerful counter measure and we encourage YOU to join us!
Why The Weekly Fitness Challenge? This dynamic international campaign represents a great opportunity to create powerful change within our world cultures. You know, the cultures which seem to breed the continuation and expansion of this preventable crisis. People who are "Not yet fit" generally "wish" they could change. The problem is that almost every attempt ends up in failure. A failure cycle begins to evolve and after several failure cycles the deep seated expectation becomes FAILURE. They still "wish" for success, but fear failure.
The simple sounding answer for those who face so many failure cycles is lifestyle modification. It sounds so simple, but it is not not. Our campaign is designed to more effectively deal with the health issues related to sedentary living and poor nutrition and create real success cycles for participants.
Most well intentioned people and organizations have a tendency to imagine that somebody else will solve the tragedy. Or, they fall prey to their false assumptions of what the outcomes of their well intentioned efforts will be. When most fail to achieve their established outcome criteria they end their efforts to the detriment of all who participated. Why? Because failure is reinforced.
Who are the ones primarily at risk for the dire consequences of living a sedentary life that includes lack of regular exercise and poor nutritional habits? The "Not yet fit". Fit people have substantially lower rates of controllable illness and preventable disease. Since that is quantifiably true, why doesn't everybody do like the already fit and exercise regularly and eat in a healthy manner? Because somebody needs to deliver a lot more education, motivation and leadership for those who are "not yet fit" to take the first steps to living a healthier lifestyle! Did I say, "Educate, motivate and lead"? Uh huh. That is the slogan of The Weekly Fitness Challenge and that is our guiding principle.
Does that mean that nobody else is doing anything? NO. But it does mean that our campaign has gained tremendous international support and we are moving forward fast and making a profound difference in awareness of the need for regular exercise and proper nutritional intake.
That was our first step. To create large scale awareness. The next step is to power up our campaign and include outcome measurement and daily exercise and nutritional tracking for participants. We are in Phase I of our three phase plan to create global movement to true health care reform. Phase I included promotion via Twitter ( ), FaceBook ( ) and other manual methods of contact to encourage others to join our cause. It all began in May of 2009 as one single Tweet on Twitter and has grown at an unbelievable rate across the globe!
Phase I included the introduction of strong social media messaging and the website
Phase I will also include an international campaign to educate, motivate and lead the wellness and fitness industry to a better understanding of what new "not yet fit" members really need if they are to have any chance of successfuly changing their level of inactivity. Simply joining a club does not change the behavior that lead to their level of inactivity and many fail immediately after joining due to ineffective programming and false assumptions about what they really need to get started. The new slogan "Exercise is medicine" will simply become another "bait and switch" method designed to lure "not yet fit" customers into the business if no serious reconfiguration of new member intial programming is made.
Phase II will include website upgrades that will offer outcome measurement capabilities, meal planning, exercise options and exercise and daily food intake tracking capabilities. During Phase II we will begin to recruit and entertain sponsorships from related business entities that share our passion to create positive global health care change. We will also begin to actively seek funding from other sources as we add marketing and promotion and additional international resources to our campaign.
Phase III will begin the recruitment of an expanded team of international professionals to help promote and implement the various elements of the campaign throughout the world. The positions will include State, Regional, National and more global postions that will help fuel the campaign.
We hope that you will join us and help promote the campaign to all those you know! It is an exciting opportunity to what ANYBODY could have done, but NOBODY did! WE WILL!
Join US! On FaceBook ( ) and Twitter ( )
JOIN US! Educate, motivate and lead Politicians, News Media, Health Organizations, Celebrities and everyone you know to join our cause to get the "Not yet fit" moving!
To request additional information about The Weekly Fitness Challenge or provide feedback - Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton:
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Beginning to exercise – First things first

One of the most common questions I am asked by people who truly wish to change their lives is, “Where do I start? For anyone who hasn’t exercised in a long while (or ever) my first suggestion is that they speak to their doctor. The doctor may not do anything more than give the person a physical exam that helps identify any unknown health threats that even moderate exercise may exacerbate. Once the doctor gives the okay to begin an exercise program, the next step is to make a decision as to what the goal of the new exercise regimen is going to be.
One pitfall for many people who may have been inactive for a prolonged period of time is over exuberance. In other words, their initial excitement leads them to try to make a leap that they are not yet ready for. The result in this instance commonly is failure and an immediate return to the sedentary lifestyle that was in place before the well intentioned attempt to make the positive change.
In seeking an exercise regimen one should use realistic thought process and start off slow. For most sedentary individuals who wish to begin an exercise program, walking is one of the best activities available and the cost is good – IT’S FREE. It will help to have someone to walk with for mutual encouragement and camaraderie.
When beginning a walking program, or any other exercise program, a log book is important. Every walk or exercise should be recorded. The date, time of day and amount of exercise done should all be recorded in this tracking log. In terms of the actual walking regimen, create a gauge of exertion that can help you make incremental increases in the amount of energy that you expend while walking.
A good heart rate monitor and a pedometer are other important tools for any walking program.
The use of goals can dramatically enhance any exercise program. Moderate goals are the key in the beginning. Set easily attainable goals and progress with “baby steps”. Never try to make dramatic leaps forward in exercise intensity if you haven’t worked out in awhile. It is more important to establish consistency than it is to try to hard to “get back where I used to be” too quickly.
I have heard “experts” claim things such as “Walking isn’t enough! Everyone needs to change the way eat and exercise their muscular system too!” Forget it! One of the reasons that so many people have started and stopped is that their expectation was based on “experts” whose intentions were good, but their methodology was too intense for most new exercisers. Start slow and build on according to a set of goals and a plan that takes “baby steps”.
Other people ask if they should join a health club to become healthier. The truth is that most health clubs are designed for regular exercisers. Think about it. At most clubs, a one-size fits all philosophy exists. For regular exercisers who can afford a health club, it’s a good investment. For most people who are not regular exercisers, it is a recipe for failure. Most health clubs have the same new member introduction for regular exercisers as they do for non-exercisers who simply have made a spontaneous decision to take action. The action taken usually results in the non-exerciser spending a great deal of money for one or two visits to the club. Average cost per visit? Probably about $300.00! The truth is that while clubs say that they will help the new member get started, it is very difficult. If a club as 2,000 or more members and sells around 100 – 150 new memberships per month, it is obvious that it not feasible for them to really spend much time or effort in helping a new member to become a regular exerciser.
Still other people ask about buying home exercise equipment. It’s a great theory! “Work out at home! Whoo hoo”! The truth is that as with a health club membership, the only good deal for home exercise equipment is for people who are already regular exercisers. It is a bad idea for people who haven’t exercised in a long time (or may not have EVER exercised). Yes, there are plenty of infomercials that claim to be the best way to go for someone who wants to exercise. The problem is that for most non-exercisers the wonderful new piece of exercise apparatus all too frequently simply ends up as a cool looking clothes horse!
When someone joins a health club or buys a new piece of exercise equipment, no spontaneous change occurs. Use good judgment. If you want to start an exercise program and are not sure how to proceed, please feel free to e-mail me at and I’ll be happy to give you some great ideas!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Join The Weekly Fitness Challenge International Team: Change the shape of the world!
Do you really know what the Weekly Fitness Challenge is all about, who the international team members are and how you can help us help others? Today is a good day to find out!
The conceptualization behind The Weekly Fitness Challenge programs are to globally impact the ever increasing rates of preventable disease and health conditions directly attributable to insufficient exercise and poor nutritional intake fueled by lack of effective motivation and mentorship. Ever increasing? YES! Despite the incredible number of well intentioned initiatives targeting this global catastrophe the situation is ever INCREASING rapidly.
Okay...obviously the situation is dire. So how can a small. passionate international team possibly change this situation. Simple. Those who are already suffering the consequences of inactivity and those who don't yet realize their inevitable disaster need us. We need you. This is about team!
Meet our international team members:
International Medical Director: Dr. Joe Kosterich (Perth Australia - Original Team Member 2009)
Learn more about this healthy living difference maker:
Campaign Creator & President: Geoff Hampton
Learn more about Geoff Hampton:
Director of Latin American Wellness: Lucila Perez (Puerto Rico - Original Team Member 2009)
Dynamic international fitness presenter. Did an incredible ZUMBA class at our 1st Annual Knoxville Fitness Challenge and will return to Knoxville this year to be our featured presenter at the 4th Annual Knoxville Fitness Challenge. Learn more about Lucila Perez here:
International Spokesperson: Andria Elam (San Diego, CA)
Learn more about Andria Elam here:
International Director of Group Exercise: Christa Mills (Keller, TX)
Learn more about Christa Mills here:
International Director of Personal Training: Daryl Shute (Knoxville, TN)
Learn more about Daryl Shute here:
What about our programs?
Our programs include healthy living education guidance, motivation and leadership. Also we use dynamic healthy living events to educate, motivate and lead local populations to a more motivated lifestyle change!
Global Social Media Initiative
The Weekly Fitness Challenge is kicking of a dynamic global 12 week social media campaign beginning September 1st, 2014. Each week our dynamic team and others will promote awesome, life-changing options for a global social media audience using the #hashtag #Changetheshapeoftheworld. We will also promote the dynamic initiative created by IHRSA ( ) using their #hashtag #WhyGetActive. We are seeking a power social media team to help us. Just contact Geoff Hampton to inquire at JOIN US!
Local Healthy Living Events
Our local healthy living events are designed to lead those who need to exercise more to dynamic health clubs that will effectively engage in life-changing programs. They include dynamic fitness, nutrition and motivational presenters with a trade show.
Knoxville, TN: This year (September 13th) we are offering the people of Knoxville and all East Tennessee and incredible one-day healthy living event. It is our 4th Annual event! It will be held once again at National Fitness Centers. This year at their incredible new 130,000 sq ft show club. See club here:
San Diego, CA: January of 2014 we will be offering the people in the greater San Diego and all of Southern California our 2nd Annual San Diego Fitness Challenge. We are actively seeking a host facility for this event. Contact if you are interested.
Boston, MA: Spring of 2014 we will be offering the people in the greater Boston area our 1st Annual Boston Fitness Challenge. We are actively seeking a host facility for this event. Contact if you are interested.
Dallas, TX: Spring of 2014 we will be offering the people in the greater Dallas area our 1st Annual Dallas Fitness Challenge. We are actively seeking a host facility for this event. Contact if you are interested.
How about your city? Anywhere around the globe! Help us help those who need help! #Changetheshapeoftheworld! JOIN US!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
WNOX Knoxville Fitness Challenge Overview
The WNOX Knoxville Fitness Challenge Healthy Living Event and Trade Show
"Change the shape of Knoxville!"
Event ad created by strategic media partner WVLT-TV:
Event ad created by strategic media partner WVLT-TV:
Location: National Fitness Centers - Tazwell Pike Location
Address: 3030 Tazewell Pike, Knoxville, TN 37918
Club Phone:(865) 687-6066
VIP Day: By private invitation only - Friday February 8, 2013
VIP Day includes guest speakers such as Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett who will deliver part of the opening event welcome!
Cost: FREE
Contact event director Geoff Hampton to find out how you can receive an invitation: (865) 304-9409
Trade Show Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Speakers Start Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Exercise Classes Throughout The Day
Lunch (FREE) 12:00 - 1:00 courtesy of Zoe's Kitchen - Knoxville
\Main Event - Saturday February 9, 2013
Cost: FREE
Trade Show Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Speakers Start Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Exercise Classes Throughout The Day
Lunch (FREE) 12:00 - 1:00 courtesy of Zoe's Kitchen - Knoxville
Register yourself, friends, family members, co-workers and others today:
Event featured presenter: Mike Howard
Mike will inspire you and your friends to once and for all be able to make the positive lifestyle changes that you have always wanted to make but have such a hard time attaining. He lost more than 140 pounds in less than a year and has kept it off! He struggled for most of his adult life to make these changes and failed time and time again. Now, he is going to share his success in a way that will motivate you like you have never been motivated before! Time to turn hope into reality! Don't miss his great presentation!
This life-changing event has many inspiring and motivational presenters! Mark your calendar, tell your friends and be there!
Special Thank You To Our Premier Partner:
Special Thank You To Our Strategic Partners (Become A Strategic Partner!):
Special Thank You To Our Trade Show Participants (Become A Trade Show Participant!):
Monday, September 24, 2012
Why The Weekly Fitness Challenge?
The Weekly Fitness Challenge is a global initiative designed to educate, motivate and lead people who are "not yet fit" to a healthier lifestyle. We engage an international Advisory Board that is designed to create action from various target groups being encouraged to support the effort. The Challenge also use scores of motivated and concerned people who help fuel the campaign through their daily efforts to promote the change that we seek to create.
The Weekly Fitness Challenge is designed to encourage people to reach out to those they know that need to exercise and are not yet doing so. Those who are not exercising regularly are the ones who fall victim to preventable illnesses and unhealthy conditions. They NEED someone who cares about to them to reach out and mentor them in the importance of exercise! Most programs are designed for regular exercisers. Our campaign is designed for the "not yet fit" as a form of prescriptive intervention designed to get them mooooving!
The easiest way to illustrate The Weekly Fitness Challenge target population is through a model like Dr. James Prochaksa's Transtheoretical Model; READ:
We encourage Regular exercisers (Maintenance types) to reach out to their friends, family members and co-workers and serve as a "mentor" in helping the person take the first steps toward regular exercise! For someone who is not a regular exerciser, there is a strong need for FUN and MOTIVATING exercise options. That is why The Weekly Fitness Challenge engages Group Exercise (some know Group Exercise as "aerobics").
While Group Exercise (Aerobics) is a GREAT place for the "not yet fit" to begin a regular exercise regimine, the best resource for true success for them is through Personal Training. The Weekly Fitness Challenge is enlisting the cooperation of the top Personal Trainers in the world to help fuel the success for the "not yet fit".
What is the single most neglected aspect of effective lifestyle modification as it relates to optimal health? Nutritional Reform! So many people begin an exercise program but fail to change the way they eat and will never create the change needed without changing the way they eat! The Weekly Fitness is engaging powerful and tasty (Always good to have TASTY options!) Nutritional Options for participants.
The Weekly Fitness Challenge campaign was created by Geoff Hampton as part of an ongoing inventory of lifestyle modification strategies that he has created and implemented starting back in the late '90's. Hampton utilizes a campaign Advisory Board in order to create a powerful synergistic effect that helps actualize maximum population engagement potential.
Folks who have either never exercise before, or have exercised before and failed need three key elements if they are to have any true hope of breaking their failure cycle and creating a TRUE success cycle:
1. The program must be FUN
2. The program must be at a specific time
3. The program must engage a support mechanism
The Weekly Fitness Challenge has engaged Twitter as a terrific source to reach out to virtually millions of people, most of whom NEED to exercise. There are other vehicles that can help promote this important message of lifestyle modification through regular exercise and we hope that everyone will join us and promote this powerful grass roots initiative! Now we have added our, "Coast to coast healthy living events"!
The anticipated outcome? Millions reaching out millions who need to exercise and eat healthier but are not yet doing so and inspiring and leading them to FUN exercise prescriptions one person at a time!
If you are wondering about whether or not YOU should get involved, simply ask youself this question, "Whose job is it to reach out to those who need to exercise and are not yet doing so?" THE ANSWER? It is all of us together! NOBODY else is going to do it! That's right! There is no "RED PILL", there is no "BLUE PILL" that people can take and suddenly become regular exercisers! So JOIN US!
SUPPORT THE CHALLENGE!Join us on FaceBook ( ) and Twitter @weeklyfitnessch
JOIN US! Spread the word! Contact politicians, celebrities, news sources, health groups and associations! This is Healthcare Reform on a global basis!
To request additional information about The Weekly Fitness Challenge or provide feedback - Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton:
Join him on Twitter:
Monday, April 23, 2012
The "Not Yet Fit": Predators Delight

Is this speculation or fact? It is FACT. In the global epidemic of ill-health that we are all viewing on an ever increasing magnitude, quantifiable and incontrovertible evidence of the role that lack of exercise and poor nutritional habits plays in ill-health and progressive worsening of already sustained ill-health issues is readily available. There is grandiose verbosity of grand plans for health care reform that supposedly will cure all ills. That is blatantly FALSE.
What is needed for the "not yet fit" is simple. They need realistic behavior modification. But, what do they get? In far too many instances they get what could be construed through simple logic as a predatory frenzy of supposed successful choices of venue.
A few examples:
Weight loss
For many not yet fit the simple choice appears to be weight loss. Weight loss can be an effective counter-measure to poor lifestyle related consequences, but is only moderately effective for maximum effect potential when no regular exercise component is added. What's worse is that when one measures the number of people who engage popular weight loss programs in hopes of positive results, against the number of successful outcomes, the numbers are virtually microscopic.
Many people initially lose some weight. Many more lose some weight but return to their previous weight and sometimes more in a generally short time frame. Weight loss programs are advertised extensively and a quantifiably false vision of hope is broadcast over and over and over again. When people engage weight loss and do not attain and/or sustain their goals long-term cycles of failure begin to erode any real hope of success. Instead a daunting expectation of failure ensues. When one has experienced repeated failure, success becomes that much more difficult to attain.
Weight loss industry - Valuable resource or predatory practice? The numbers never lie.
Home exercise equipment
Home exercise equipment is seductively attractive to the not yet fit. Just like weight loss, the potential for success is there, but the real fact is that long-term sedentary behavior and poor nutritional intake are not suddenly cured in a moment of passionate hope that usually soon passes. That moment is the moment when the inactive and not yet fit person makes the next decision in what is usually a progression of decisions that have led to long-term failure and while for the moment the person has real hope it soon fades to their self created reality that consists of discontinuing the lifestyle change attempt du jour.
What are the top outcomes for home exercise equipment for most not yet fit?
1. Clothes horse
2. Dust bunny collector
Just like with weight loss, although a bit more difficult to access hard and fast numbers, the answer to success or failure for the not yet fit lies within how many actually buy home exercise equipment and how many truly attain/sustain the success they sought.
Home exercise equipment industry - Valuable resource or predatory practice? The numbers never lie.
Joining a fitness center or health club
This is another highly advertised option for the not yet fit as the way to enhance their quality of life. A good health club or fitness center is a great option for the already fit. Many offer low prices, the very best in exercise equipment and a comfortable atmosphere for folks who are already fit and simply need a great place to exercise.
But, for the not yet fit person, health clubs and fitness centers are usually result in very high cancellation rates for the not yet fit. In fact, one recent survey found that there are more former members of health and fitness centers than current members, Hmmm...
A few examples of failed health and fitness center new member offerings supposedly designed for new not yet fit members:
1. The "Free Fitness Evaluation"
This is an initial offering for new members that generally includes time spent with a certified fitness professional whereby the new not yet fit member gets an overview of their current level of fitness (or lack thereof) and the fitness professional suggests a work out program for the person.
2. The "Free Fitness Orientation"
This is a similar venue to the "fitness evaluation". Both are designed with an imagining that somehow the new not yet fit member will become so inspired that they suddenly and without warning combust into a motivated regular exerciser!
3. The "Free Equipment Orientation"
This initial new member offering is the most misguided of all. It presumes that by having a certified fitness professional explain how to use the equipment correctly, the new not yet fit member will now be motivated to work out on their own.
4. The "Free Session(s) With A Personal Trainer
This new member program is based on double false assumptions. One is that the session(s) with the personal trainer will inspire the new "not yet fit" member to become an exerciser or client. The second false assumption is that the personal trainers in 90% of the clubs who have no idea how to create a client from this opportunity will nonetheless create a client.
The industry models for assisting the people who make a decision to join is extremely misleading. The "free fitness assessment", the "free fitness evaluation", the "free equipment orientation", the "free session (s) with a personal trainer" DO NOT create a regular exerciser where one did not exist before these weak offerings were engaged.
Fitness center and health club industry - Valuable resource or predatory practice? The numbers never lie.
Joining a medical fitness center
The medical fitness industry creates the appearance of being "the good guys" for the not yet fit. Think about it. For the not yet fit, a hospital represents the cures for what ails them. The medical fitness business is now engaging a slogan, "Fitness is medicine!" It sounds real hope for the not yet fit!
There are two factions within the medical fitness industry. One that subscribes to the notion that they are there only to serve the already sick. That's a fine mission. As limited in scope and thinking as it is. However, if at the same time the medical fitness center offers an open membership to any and all who wish to use their center as the source of hope for positive lifestyle change, then that clinical and sterile notion must be tempered with the reality. That reality is that the medical fitness center will be no different than any other fitness center or health club if their astronomical rates of cancellation of not yet fit members continues at its current rate.
See above examples in health club and fitness centers of engagement of false assumptions for point of sale programs that do not work for the not yet fit but are also used by the medical fitness business.
When the not yet fit person walks into (without a doctor's prescription) the medical fitness center they are still simply responding to an impulse that is tempered by the failure cycles that have led to their long-term inactivity and poor nutritional choices. Many medical fitness centers "think" that the not yet fit person will so impressed with the beauty of their facility that even if they don't join on the first visit they will be back to join later. This is utterly false and can easily be disproven through performance quantification, but medical fitness centers think they don't need to quantify efforts.
Many actually create additional roadblocks for the not yet fit person, requiring them to get a doctors authorization BEFORE joining. If anyone wants to know the truth about not yet fit people who need lifestyle change, try doing some research and quit concluding that some long held false assumption created in a cerebral moment of assumed brilliance is actually real when it IS NOT. That which you do not measure is simply an assumption. If we are to make a profound difference for the international crisis of ill-health related to sedentary living and poor nutritional intake, assumptions need to be removed and replaced with quantifiable truths.
Medical fitness industry - Valuable resource or predatory practice? The numbers never lie.
The truth is that everybody knows somebody who needs to exercise more and eat a healthier dietary regimen. For most of those in need, they will either continue their failure cycles or never even begin without somebody who cares enough about them personally reaching out and taking them by the hand to a place or program that is designed for success and not an illussion designed for failure.
If you agree with our premise and really want to help us create true and lasting health care reform, then join us! Pass this information along to doctor's who care, politicians who care, celebrities who care, news media sources that care and anybody and everybody else who cares about changing peoples lives who desperately need the change!
Learn the real truth about leading inactive populations to life changing success. Get involved in The Weekly Fitness Challenge "THE GIFT OF HEALTH" program for your community! We ARE bringing health to life!
"About The Weekly Fitness Challenge - What We Are" - Short Video:
Contact Program Creator/Executive Director Geoff Hampton for more
Contact Program Creator/Executive Director Geoff Hampton for more
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Cincinnati, OH - 1st Annual Cincinnati Coast to Coast Healthy Living Event Tour Stop
Coast To Coast "Healthy Living" Event Tour
Next Event Stop: Cincinnati, OH - Friday May 4 & Saturday May 5, 2012
Another Life-Changing event on our Weekly Fitness Challenge coast to coast healthy living event tour! We are implementing real healthcare reform one city at a time. "Bring health to life!" These events are designed to become annual in each city and through our unique mentoring program and our "FORMULA", tremendous community healthy living change will evolve.
The Weekly Fitness Challenge all volunteer team presents these dynamic healthy living two-day programs and creates a local team to continue to enhance the impact of the program even after our event. Then each subsequent year the event becomes larger and the impact into the entire community is more prolific. Our goal? "Change the shape of the world!" One city at a time! Join us!
The Cincinnati, OH Event:
Without a doubt our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event will be a powerful event. Our passionate all volunteer event team, consisting of PhD's, fitness professionals, nutritional experts, mentorship development and motivational speakers will literally change your life, your friends lives, your co-workers lives and all those you love who attend with you!
The Weekly Fitness Challenge all volunteer team presents these dynamic healthy living two-day programs and creates a local team to continue to enhance the impact of the program even after our event. Then each subsequent year the event becomes larger and the impact into the entire community is more prolific. Our goal? "Change the shape of the world!" One city at a time! Join us!
The Cincinnati, OH Event:
Without a doubt our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event will be a powerful event. Our passionate all volunteer event team, consisting of PhD's, fitness professionals, nutritional experts, mentorship development and motivational speakers will literally change your life, your friends lives, your co-workers lives and all those you love who attend with you!
1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Event - May 4 & 5, 2012
Cincinnati event to be held at the incredible Cincinnati Sports Club
Cincinnati event to be held at the incredible Cincinnati Sports Club
Some points of emphasis within our coast to coast healthy living event tour:
Group Exercise
Personal Training
Nutrition & More!
What are some important aspects that can create lasting lifestyle change for anybody and everybody? Watch this short video clip featuring campaign creator and Executive Director Geoff Hampton speaking at our 1st Annual San Diego Healthy Living event. He is speaking about the importance of personal training and group exercise (aerobics):
Incredible, inspiring, motivating & life-changing presenters for our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event! Event agenda and event brochure online soon!
Sponsor our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living Event to help offset materials preparation, travel, lodging and other costs for our dynamic all volunteer team! Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton at (865) 687-8554 or via email at
Cincinnati, OH Event Sponsorship Levels
(Special thanks to for serving as our event sponsorship registration site. A small fee is added on for their willingness to host our event registration - Special thanks to all event sponsors & contributors you all!):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,500 - 5 only):

Sponsor our 1st Annual Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living Event to help offset materials preparation, travel, lodging and other costs for our dynamic all volunteer team! Contact Executive Director Geoff Hampton at (865) 687-8554 or via email at
Cincinnati, OH Event Sponsorship Levels
(Special thanks to for serving as our event sponsorship registration site. A small fee is added on for their willingness to host our event registration - Special thanks to all event sponsors & contributors you all!):
Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,500 - 5 only):
Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event SILVER LEVEL SPONSOR ($1,000 - 5 only):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event BRONZE LEVEL SPONSOR ($500 - 10 only):

Become a Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event PARTICIPATORY LEVEL SPONSOR ($250 - 15 only) event:
Become a FRIEND of our Cincinnati, OH Healthy Living event by contributing whatever you wish from $25 - $200:
Advertise your business in the beautiful Cincinnati, OH "Health Living" attendee souvenir brochure! At the the same time you will be supporting the all volunteer Weekly Fitness Challenge team as they "Bring health to life!" in Cincinnati! Then? On to New Jersey, Knoxville, Chicago, Dallas & more! Support this all volunteer campaign!
AND MORE! Find out about how you can get involved with this life-changing event today! Contact Campaign Creator/Executive Director Geoff Hampton At
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