“Change the shape of the world” – The formula
By this time there is barely a soul alive that doesn't realize that the devastating consequences of living an inactive lifestyle with poor nutritional intake has become a global tragedy. The numbers are ever increasing.
Please watch this short Weekly Fitness Challenge video focusing on the American epidemic of obesity & ill-health due to these factors: http://animoto.com/play/0Fb48Fexkma67jg00dNkbg
The Weekly Fitness Challenge campaign has created a powerful international team that is dedicated to creating previously unimaginable global health change. Please join us. See the "Formula" below which creates the potential to accomplish our goal of "Change the shape of the world!" The "Formula" (for you math wizards) may contain minor errors. Regardless, those errors do not alter the final outcome. The numbers are staggering and easily achievable if enough people commit to the mission. It is an 18 week plan to motivate 50 million people.
The "Formula" is impossible to engage successfully if the same people repeatedly interact with the same people week after week. It requires a commitment to seek out new people every week to broaden the impact.
The Weekly Fitness Challenge campaign started out with one Tweet from one person. The person had a formula in mind. The formula could create previously unimaginable global health change. The formula was conceived as an ever increasing dynamic.
The goal? Create an international format designed to educate, motivate & lead those who are action takers to reach to those who are excuse makers and lead them to powerful, positive & lasting lifestyle change.
How does the formula work? By multiplying the increased contacts at each level and then adding in the most recent total, then increasing as each level unfolds.
The formula;
Week 1
One Tweet by one person in hopes of connecting with one other person.
Week 2
Two people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 3
Four people reaching out to connect with two more people each
Week 4
Twelve people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 5
Thirty six people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 6
One hundred and eight people reaching to connect with two more people
Week 7
Three hundred and twenty four people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 8
Nine hundred and seventy two people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 9
Two thousand nine hundred and sixteen people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 10
Eight thousand seven hundred and forty eight people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 11
Twenty six thousand two hundred and forty four people reaching out to connect with two more people
Week 12
Seventy eight thousand seven hundred and twenty eight people reaching to connect with two more people
Week 13
Two hundred thirty six thousand one hundred and eighty four people reaching out to two more people
Week 14
Seven hundred and eight thousand five hundred and fifty two people reaching out for two more people
Week 15
Two million one hundred twenty five thousand six hundred and fifty six people reaching out to two more people
Week 16
Six million three hundred seventy six thousand nine hundred and fifty people reaching out for two more people
Week 17
Nineteen million one hundred thirty thousand eight hundred and fifty people reaching out for two more people
Week 18
Fifty seven million three hundred ninety two thousand five hundred and fifty people reaching out for two more people
The numbers become staggering as the formula advances. Within this ever increasing formula (number times two more plus the total as of the progression) “Changing the shape of the world!” is more than possible. Then add dynamic programming, dynamic community kick-offs and this campaign can do what nobody else has ever done and what everybody who has tried or naysayers say can’t be done. The only thing that can stop us is us. We need to engage the right people. If so the campaign is unstoppable. Get people with personal agendas and weak commitment and it becomes an exercise in futility. If you are reading this blog your curiosity is at least piqued. Who are you? What is your commitment to helping others? Who do you serve? A worthwhile purpose or yourself? Nothing personal, but excuse makers, blame shifters, nega nannies and any other cerebrally advancing person simply create an obstacle for those who passionately pursue the goal. A bushel full of excuses produces diversion & clouds the formula. If you believe the formula you can help achieve the potential. JOIN US!
THE FORMULA - The video: http://animoto.com/play/JjSbNBmVNetTOQCaAOYHwg
The team is moving forward with those who truly and passionately believe. Nothing else can do what "they" say can't be done. You know, "they" who are a part of the problem and not the solution to ending global inactivity. Contact us today and help "Change the shape of the world!"
Help us Twitter. Here's how: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzaLFFtfbH8
Help us on Facebook. Here's how: http://animoto.com/play/xvhmF88qYujXHviPjDVgUQ